Tuesday, May 7, 2019

What are we doing here?

This blog is, hopefully, going to be a few things--each with a different motivation.

1. A kick in my ass to write more.
I'm a lot of things. Husband, TTRPG hobbyist, software developer, comic book nerd, bass player; to name a few. I've been writing, in some form or another, for most of my life, but have largely dropped it from my life for the past couple of years. And that makes me sad. Even if it never 'goes anywhere', writing has always been a huge part of my life. A couple of rough years in terms of mental health have shaken my confidence--several dropped projects have pulled it down even further. It's time to get back on this horse.

2. A way to download my RPG thoughts.
Over the past year and a half or so, I've gotten really invested in RPGs. I'm particularly drawn to the OSR/Classic versions of D&D--I love the rules, philosophy, and general concepts going on with publishers like Goodman Games, Lamentations of the Flame Princess, The Hydra Cooperative, and DIY RPG Productions. I love the indie, don't-give-a-fuck vibe these publishers have. They're making what they want and having fun doing it. There's others, too--those are just the ones that come immediately to mind because I've been reading their stuff most immediately.

3. A place to talk about what I'm reading/running.
I read a lot of materials--and currently run a bi-weekly Dungeon Crawl Classics/CrawlJammer campaign. I'd like to have a place to review/talk about the stuff I'm reading and put up some play reports about the game I run because:

  • I've seen a misconception out there that DCC can't be used for ongoing campaigns and I haven't actually seen that to be true
  • I've been using CrawlJammer extensively and want more people to know how great it is!

Along with all of the above, I'm probably going to talk about comic books, TV series, and movies I'm enjoying (or hating). So, if you dig those ideas, maybe you'll wanna subscribe or favorite it or however you choose to follow blogs. Feel free to comment, just to say Hi.

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